The Wi System offers the same level of fire protection as the wall itself – no need for unsightly fire-boarding to protect vulnerable steel windposts. This leads to significant improvements to the appearance of the walls and also eliminates the ongoing need for replacement of damaged fire-boarding
The integration of Wi columns, Wi Beams or Wi Troughs within the blockwork panels leads to seamless construction between the structural supports and the wall panels. The Wi System undoubtedly leads a superior aesthitic solution compared to traditional windposts
The Wi System offers the same level of fire protection as the wall itself – no need for unsightly fire-boarding to protect vulnerable steel windposts. This leads to significant improvements to the appearance of the walls and also eliminates the ongoing need for replacement of damaged fire-boarding
Amet null vitae ante vitae lorem ipsum turpis aliquam dolor id metus sed lorem lacus et vulputate pellen.
Gautelacus et vulputate irure dolor elit sed do eiusmod tempor ut labore et dolore magna lorem nulla amet.
Integer vitae ante vitae mauris ipsum amos nulla massa sed pulvinar metus sed lorem ipsum vulputate turpis.
Lorem aute irure dolor adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna lorem nulla.