The Program is intended to function as a design aid to accelerate the assessment of Wi Columns and Beams subject to lateral loading. As such, it relieves designers of tedious repetitive calculations that would otherwise need to be carried out by hand and other non-dedicated software analysis methods.
The basis of the assessment method is described within the accompanying Manual and the LUCIDEON (CERAM) report: Design Guide for Masonry Reinforced by Bond Beams and Columns to Resist Lateral Loading, September 2014, which can be downloaded here.
As well as standard wind loading, the Program is capable of modelling barrier panel loading and handrail line loading, which can be quite complex to assess normally. The Excel spreadsheet-based Program has a deceptively simple user interface, which has data entry and outputs on just a single page. Literally within a couple of minutes, a designer can justify a Wi Column or Beam, whereas an equivalent windpost could easily take half an hour to design even for an experienced engineer.