Fire Rating of Wi Slot Blocks & Wi System

pdf-downloadIndependent fire rating assessment report for Wi Slot Blocks, Wi Columns, Wi Beams and Wi Trough Lintels

Acoustic Performance

pdf-downloadIndependent assessment report on the acoustic performance of Wi Slot Blocks, Wi Columns and Wi Beams

Carbon Footprint Comparison

pdf-downloadIndependent report on the comparison of carbon footprint values for the Wi System vs traditional windposts

Comparison of Lateral supports – Wi Columns vs Windposts

pdf-downloadComparison of Lateral supports – 9m x 4m high panel with 2no. Wi Columns vs 4no. WP2 Ancon Windposts

Comparison of Lateral supports – Wi Beams vs Windposts

pdf-downloadComparison of Lateral supports – 9m x 4m high panel with 2no. Wi Beams vs 4no. WP2 Ancon Windposts

Environmental Product Declaration

pdf-downloadBRE environmental assessment for Wembley Innovation concrete blocks.