• Tottenham Court Road Station

  • Tottenham Court Road Station

  • Tottenham Court Road Station

A £1Billion investment into Tottenham Court Road station will see a new station built to serve Crossrail. An integral part of this upgrade is the redevelopment of the London Underground Station, to serve the estimated 200,000 people who will use the station. A new Ticket Hall is being built along with new entrances onto the surrounding streets as well as a new public plaza.

Wembley Innovation were able to replace nearly 300 windposts and lintels to streamline the construction process. The station has 7nr subterranean levels and the logistics of manoeuvring windposts through the congested service shafts was impossible. The Wi System components can be crane lifted down to the lower floors safely via the crane lift-able pallets.

Our project numbers

Windposts removed
Lintels removed
Other Projects